Arrested? Injured?
Don’t Panic, Call Bozanic!

Serving clients in Miami-Dade, Broward, and West Palm Beach

hero hero
Arrested? Injured?
Don’t Panic, Call Bozanic!
hero hero

Case Summaries


USA v. D. Guerrier- NOT GUILTY
18-CR-203xx – Smuggling Firearms outside of US

The client was charged with smuggling firearms outside of the United States and shipping them to Haiti. After cross examining the agents and customs officers, we were able to show that the agents failed to follow procedure and collect all evidence. The jury deliberated for a short period of time and found our client not guilty.

USA v. J. Pinnock- NOT GUILTY
18-CR-209xx- Conspiracy to Possess Cocaine with Intent to Distribute

The client was charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and attempting to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and was facing 5 years minimum mandatory up to 40 years on each count if convicted.  The Government indicted our client for allegedly picking up 2 kilograms of cocaine from a cooperating witness. After showing that the cooperating witness had reasons to lie and our client’s lack of knowledge of what was inside of the bag, the jury found our client not guilty on both counts.

USA v. L. Alarcon- NOT GUILTY
19-CR-208xx- Conspiracy to Possess Stolen Goods from Interstate Shipment

The client was accused of conspiracy to posses stolen goods and possession of goods stolen from interstate shipment. Our client, a hard working truck driver, was accused of being involved with a ring of people who rob truck drivers and steal truck cargo. Three other people who were arrested and charged all flipped and cooperated, testifying that our client, the driver, was in on the robbery of over $1 million in merchandise. After showing that the convicted cooperators were only after their reduction in sentence, and the lack of any evidence against our client, the jury found him not guilty on all charges.

19-CR-200xx- Access Device Fraud and Identity Theft

Client was indicted for conspiracy to commit access device fraud and use of unauthorized access devices as part of a multi defendant indictment for use of fraudulent credit cards and identity theft scheme. The Government agreed to dismiss all counts against our client prior to trial.

USA v. R. Laurent- DISMISSED
14-CR-205xx- Conspiracy to Possess Heroin with Intent to Distribute

The client was indicted with conspiracy to import heroin and attempting to possess with intent to distribute heroin. The government dismissed all charges prior to trial.

USA v. Guy Phillipe – 05-CR-208xx

Representation of a Senator-elect in Haiti that resulted in getting the drug trafficking charge dismissed.

USA v. Claudio Osorio 12-CR-209xx

Representation of a top Miami businessman who ran a Fortune 500 company in a $40 Million Fraud case.

USA v. Michael Bennett 12-CR-2023xx

Representation of a NFL player in a wire fraud case.

USA v. Sanon

Representation in allegations of Conspiracy to kill Haitian President Jovenel Moise.

State v. N. Belizaire- NOT GUILTY
19-54xxCF10A- Aggravated Battery and Fleeing and Eluding

Client was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon (stabbing), aggravated battery of a law enforcement officer fleeing and eluding. The jury found our client not guilty.

State v. D. Johnson- NOT GUILTY
19-100xxCF10A- Vehicular Homicide and DUI Manslaughter

Client was charged with vehicular homicide and involuntary DUI manslaughter after a deadly crash that resulted in death of a police officer. The State alleged that our client was driving drunk. The jury found our client not guilty of all felony charges and he was able to reunite with his family after 4 years of fighting this case.

State v. K. Emile- NOT GUILTY
15-700xxCF10A- Attempted Murder and Armed Robbery

The client was charged with attempted murder and armed robbery. This was a classic case of racial profiling where the eyewitnesses’ description was that they saw three black males in hoodies. The police went along with the description, arrested the wrong three people and the State Attorney’s Office continued with prosecuting three innocent men. Even after receiving the DNA evidence that clearly implicated someone else, the State continued the mockery of a month long trial. The jury after hearing testimony for one month, deliberated for less than twenty minutes and found our client and his two friends not guilty on all counts.

State v. R. Michelot– NOT GUILTY
F16-95xx- Armed Kidnapping and Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Woman

The client was charged with 8 counts including armed kidnapping, multiple counts of aggravated battery on a pregnant woman, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and robbery. After a long trial, the jury was able to see through the inconsistencies of the alleged victim and found our client not guilty on all eight counts.

State v. M. Myers- NOT GUILTY
15-157xxCF10A- Aggravated Assault with Firearm

The client was charged with aggravated assault with firearm and possession of firearm by a convicted felon. After going to trial and showing that the “eyewitnesses” gave conflicting descriptions and the lack of evidence, the jury found our client not guilty.

State v. T. Bivins- DISMISSED
F11-289xx- Conspiracy to Commit Murder

The client was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, three counts of attempted first degree murder, possession of a firearm in commission of a felony.  After doing numerous deposition of witnesses and investigating the case, we filed a speedy demand for trial. The State dismissed all charges prior to trial.

State v. C. Carbonell– DISMISSED
F09-417xx- Armed Trafficking of Cocaine

The client was charged with armed cocaine trafficking and facing a 10 year minimum mandatory. After showing that the officers initiated a bogus traffic stop and illegally searched the client’s vehicle, we were able to show that the client’s alleged consent to search his house was invalid and our motion to suppress all evidence was granted.The case was dismissed.

State v. M. Booth- DISMISSED
14-39xxCF10A- Fraud

The client was on federal probation and picked up a new case involving fraud. While the client was in federal custody, the open state case prevented him from getting out to the halfway house in his federal case. After filing a motion to dismiss the information, the Court granted our motion and all state charges were dismissed.

State v. D. Burrell- NOT GUILTY
11-36xxCF10A- Burglary and Grand Theft

The client was charged with burglary and grand theft. Even though the state’s expert testified that our client’s DNA was found inside of the burglarized house, with the help of the defense DNA expert, the client was found not guilty.

State v. J. Estimable- NOT GUILTY
19-36xxCF10A- Grand Theft Auto

The client was charged with grand theft after purchasing a vehicle that was stolen for a fraction of the cost. The jury acquitted our client after showing that he had no knowledge of the vehicle being stolen.

State v. J. Franklin-NOT GUIILTY
F21-01xx- Child Neglect with Great Bodily Harm

The client was charged with child neglect with great bodily harm after a shooting investigation revealed multiple firearms in the house that the State argued were accessible to a child. The jury found our client not guilty.

State v. P. Andre – DISMISSED
F16-5xx- Armed Robbery

Our client was charged with armed robbery after some friends asked him to give them a ride and wait for them in the car. Unbeknownst to our client, his friends committed an armed robbery and ran back to his car with guns. The State agreed to dismiss all the charges as there was no evidence that our client knew the robbery was going to take place.

State v. D. Coates- DISMISSED
F20-70xx- Trafficking Heroin

The client was profiled by undercover detectives who claimed they pulled him over for a traffic violation. They searched the car illegally and found trafficking amounts of heroin. After taking depositions and showing that the detectives pulled guns out in a traffic stop and blocked our client’s vehicle in, that they investigated our client prior to the bogus “traffic stop”, our motion to suppress was granted and the State dismissed all charges.

State v. D. Brown- DISMISSED
10-131xxCF10B- Trafficking MDMA

Client’s conspiracy to traffic MDMA and trafficking MDMA was dismissed after a succesfull motion to dismiss.

State v. M. Bruno- DISMISSED
209110xxCF10A- Strong Arm Robbery

Battery on a police officer and strong arm robbery charges dismissed.

State v. J. Cannida- DISMISSED
F18-156xx- Fleeing and Eluding with Serious Bodily Injury or Death

Fleeing and eluding at high-speed chase resulting in injury or death charges dismissed after the State failed to prove who was driving the vehicle.

State v. J. Charles – DISMISSED
17-66xxCF10A- Financial exploitation of Elderly

Financial exploitation of an elderly and grand theft charges dismissed

State v. K. Cherisma- DISMISSED
F21-133xx- CCF

Carrying a concealed firearm charges dismissed. The officers decided to pull over a vehicle for “dark tints” and searched his car without probable cause. The Court granted our motion to suppress evidence and the case was dismissed.

State v. J. Decius- DISMISSED
F18-90xx- Armed Burglary

The client was charged with armed burglary (life felony) based on a DNA match after almost a decade passed. We set the case for trial and the State dismissed the case before the jury selection.

State v. O. Henriques- NOT GUILTY
M13-245xx- Domestic Violence Battery

The client was charged with domestic violence battery. The jury found our client not guilty.

State v. J. Herrera- NOT GUILTY
F08-057xx- Affravated Assault with Firearm

The client was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm. The jury found our client not guilty

State v. E. Hines- DISMISSED
F23-113xx- Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon

The client was charged with Grand Theft of Firearm and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. All charges were dismissed.

State v. D. Jean-Pierre – DISMISSED
16-9xxCF10- Credit Card Fraud

The client was charged with various fraud cases in three separate cases. All charges were dismissed.

State v. Valdes Triana- NOT GUILTY
F10-242xx- Grand Theft

The client was charged with grand theft after the family member accused them of stealing tens of thousands of dollars from their house. The jury found our client not guilty.

State v. G. Ysbeck- DISMISSED
18-73xxCF10A- CCF

The client was charged with carrying a concealed firearm and possession of a fake driver’s license after unlawful detention in a parking lot. We filed a motion to suppress which was granted and all charges were dismissed.

Personal Injury

Car Accident Settlement $400,000

Our client was sued by the other driver. We counter sued and were able to get a settlement of $400,000 for our client.

Scooter Injury Settlement for $169,000

Our client was driving behind a large company truck that knocked down a tree branch which caused our client to lose control of the scooter. The client suffered shoulder injuries and the Defendant settled for the full mount we asked days before trial was to begin.

Uninsured Motorist Policy settlement for $85,000

Our client suffered back injuries after getting into an accident with an uninsured driver. Luckily for our client, he purchased an uninsured motorist policy with a maximum limit of $100,000. Our client’s insurance settled for $85,000.

Car Accident Settlement $200,000

Our client had back injuries after a car accident. We were able to settle the claim for $200,000.

Listed above is a small sample of  the firm’s cases. These summaries are provided for informational purposes only and not as any promise as to the outcome of your case.  The facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters listed here.  The results of all cases handled by the firm are not provided and these cases are not necessarily representative of all results obtained by the firm or of the experience of all clients or others with the firm.  Every case is different, and each client’s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.  By viewing this page, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the above disclaimer and that you would like to view the information set forth below.